Monday, August 11, 2008

Venice Re-visited

I was surprised this last week. It seems my Lovely Bride posted a few of my photos from our trip to Italy on the local newspaper's travel site, and I was notified I had won their European Travel Photo contest. This was unexpected, since I didn't know there was a contest! If you are in Central Texas, and would like to see what they have to say, the photo and a short article are supposed to be in the Travel section of the August 17th Austin-American Statesman. I'm not sure if it will show up online , but here is the link.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pic! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd let you know that I put this picture up as my desktop background at work and have gotten several compliments! One lady here even wanted to know if you'd had it blown up and framed.